Friday, August 3, 2007


Hector was amazing. he was smart, funny, cute, everything (:
he was with well Kelsey for about 2 hours; the best hours of her life...

someone stole him from Kelsey on that beautiful day. right after we watched the really weird parade we noticed he was gone. we looked everywhere we could. by the ice cream cart, by indiana jones, by the stores.

then we went back to the fishing booth to get one of his brothers.

thats when Kelsey and I found his long lost sister, hectorina, or hecty for short. Shes Hectors long lost sister because she is purple and Hector was blue.

and though we all miss hector lets all beleive he is in a better place now. And lets hope that he isnt in the mouth of a 2 year old. As Kelsey would say. :)

1 comment:

kelsey (: said...

thank you for supporting hector. i have a picture of hectorina and a message about hector so go read, and comment(: