Sunday, September 2, 2007


Well. I have had my kitties for while now. And I think it is time that I finally blogged bout the coolest cats around. Here are some pictures from a couple of days ago :) ENJOY.

This is my cat ZENA. If I even think bout putting the cat giraffe hat on her she will go hide in some random room and wont come out until I put the hat away. She HATES it way way more than TOFFI ever could even think about. Me and this cat are so close. I am the only person that can pick up this cat and play with. When everybody else trys they get scratched and all messed up. :) I LOVE MY KITTIES.

This is TOFFI. She is my GIRRAFFEE :). haha I went to target 1 day and I went down the cat isle. and I saw a little shelf thing full of little cat hats. So i chose to have a giraffe hat to put on my giraffe cat :). And whenever i take it out she looks at me and runs. She totally HATES it. AGAIN. I LOVE LOVE MY KITTIES. :)
(ignore the dates on the pictures my camera is retarded. I took the pictures last week.)


Kristi said...

hahaha i am the first to post. PASSSHHAA

Amanda :) said...

pssshhhaa. does ur room still smell like soap... and is all the white crud everywhere still. hahahha i laugh at u if it is! :)

Amanda :) said...


Peachie said...

Your kitties are SOOO pretty :) I love cats too :)

Amanda :) said...

um. ok?

kelsey (: said...

haha llook at my cat one now
how do i make u a friend or w/e! im dieing here!