Tuesday, March 18, 2008


How many five year olds do you think you could you take in a fight? How many five year old children could you fight? How many five year old children could drive you insane? The results are based on your physical powerness(yes, powerness), training, swarm-combatting experience, and the flexibility of your moral compass. Here are the rules:

1. You are in an enclosed area roughly the size of a basketball court.
2. There are no waspons or random objects (butt you could always the whimpy kids as baseball bats.)
3. Everyone is wearing special protection (no kicks in boys happy places)
4. The children are merciless and will show no fear.
5. If a child is knocked unconcious, they are "out", same goes for you.

Dont be too modest and seriously think about this one, HOW MANY FIVE YEAR OLDS COULD YOU TAKE IN A FIGHT?


Kristi said...

dats jack

Amanda :) said...

hahhaha u wish
its hailey...DUH