Friday, June 6, 2008


to begin with, this weeek was reely confusing! like u have no idea!
today in science we were finishing up launching the rockets, and since we launched ours on Thursday...and BETSY SURVIVED!! (betsy is the name of me and savannahs egg)
so doc saved our egg and today after everyone was done launching.
and so we went through like ten rounds without killing the egg. until it was between our group and scotts group and one for i just forgot their names.
and savannah threw in the air reely HIIGH! and i like had to practically dive for the egg and right as i caught it,
all over me, including my arms and legs and even clothes, ahh i hate eggs. ewww
so me and savannah had to like run to the bathroom.
THANK GOD we had science last :).
after skool me and kristin went to the foothill funfest.
autumn met us theree, haha we were the peace makers in the situation...haha when everyone was like practically crying autumn was in the corner doing BEND AND SNAPP!
maggie and jeff DISCUST ME!!! ewwwww ahhhhh!
and everyone wantd to kick clayens arrrse.
i think today was one of the funniest days i have had in a while!
OHH and mr martin was at the foothill funfest tooo! idk why though ahah and i got an ahhmazzing pencil.
once i got home.
alison was txting me being a biootch (as usual)
she reeeely pisses me off! especially lately, she soo obsessed its unbelieveable!
haha and she told him that her goal in life was to get him.
can u say stalker?
BUTT i will have to say that today has kept me from being bored all day :)