Monday, December 29, 2008

i ACTUALLY did sumthing today

my anxiety was FINALLY getting to me;
so i just had, had, had, to start cleaning my room
because for the past MONTHS, every night before going to bed;
i start freaking out about how messy it in there! ahh!
and since its past all the new christmas present trash and craziness i thought i was a perfect time to clean my room:

1. pick up ALL dirty clothes frum the floor
2. clean off nightstand, consisting of cups and bowls of my midnight snack trips
3. clean out shelf below tv so i can put in my shiny, delicate new DVD play that i got for christmas
4. figure out how ot install a shiny new DVD player
5. organize closet, and i mean organize EVERYTHINGG
6. clean off bed consisting of junk picked up from the ground
7. and final step is to be able to be in my room and not have an anxiety attack

*OHH and i am possibly obessed with that random Miranda Cosgrove song 'about you now'
i think u shood listen to it becuause i have no idea whyy its soo catchy?

ahh my posts have been ohh soo pointless lately;
but its my blog so i do what i want

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