Monday, December 29, 2008

i ACTUALLY did sumthing today

my anxiety was FINALLY getting to me;
so i just had, had, had, to start cleaning my room
because for the past MONTHS, every night before going to bed;
i start freaking out about how messy it in there! ahh!
and since its past all the new christmas present trash and craziness i thought i was a perfect time to clean my room:

1. pick up ALL dirty clothes frum the floor
2. clean off nightstand, consisting of cups and bowls of my midnight snack trips
3. clean out shelf below tv so i can put in my shiny, delicate new DVD play that i got for christmas
4. figure out how ot install a shiny new DVD player
5. organize closet, and i mean organize EVERYTHINGG
6. clean off bed consisting of junk picked up from the ground
7. and final step is to be able to be in my room and not have an anxiety attack

*OHH and i am possibly obessed with that random Miranda Cosgrove song 'about you now'
i think u shood listen to it becuause i have no idea whyy its soo catchy?

ahh my posts have been ohh soo pointless lately;
but its my blog so i do what i want

Thursday, December 25, 2008


thank you for my entertaing deal or no deal boardgame,,

i this is game is one of the most
games ive ever gotten for christmas

thank you target for your extremely low prices (:

Sunday, August 10, 2008


it might sound weird
but, im starting to become obsessed with
the twilight books,
so wat if i have only read the first one
im reading new moon & i stayed up til
3:30 last night reading like 4 chapters
yah, its my new obsession, yah im a nerd 4 reading in the summer
but i also go to disneyland every week
so idk which is worse. hahaha (:

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


hahaha omg this movie is americas funniest home videos worthy! OMG i cannot stop watching it. i am still laughing! HAHAHAHHAHA

Friday, June 6, 2008


to begin with, this weeek was reely confusing! like u have no idea!
today in science we were finishing up launching the rockets, and since we launched ours on Thursday...and BETSY SURVIVED!! (betsy is the name of me and savannahs egg)
so doc saved our egg and today after everyone was done launching.
and so we went through like ten rounds without killing the egg. until it was between our group and scotts group and one for i just forgot their names.
and savannah threw in the air reely HIIGH! and i like had to practically dive for the egg and right as i caught it,
all over me, including my arms and legs and even clothes, ahh i hate eggs. ewww
so me and savannah had to like run to the bathroom.
THANK GOD we had science last :).
after skool me and kristin went to the foothill funfest.
autumn met us theree, haha we were the peace makers in the situation...haha when everyone was like practically crying autumn was in the corner doing BEND AND SNAPP!
maggie and jeff DISCUST ME!!! ewwwww ahhhhh!
and everyone wantd to kick clayens arrrse.
i think today was one of the funniest days i have had in a while!
OHH and mr martin was at the foothill funfest tooo! idk why though ahah and i got an ahhmazzing pencil.
once i got home.
alison was txting me being a biootch (as usual)
she reeeely pisses me off! especially lately, she soo obsessed its unbelieveable!
haha and she told him that her goal in life was to get him.
can u say stalker?
BUTT i will have to say that today has kept me from being bored all day :)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


one lunch days. i used to absolutely hate them. but now when they have one lunch they play random music and our group just randomly starts dancing. u have no idea how entertaining it is.
&& another reason is that...
the rotation day that always seems to have one lunch is when my besties have the different lunch that daay, ahhaha like today with savannah. aahhah my "bitch monkey" OR as the molester wood say "stupid bitch" ahhha science class is sooo effing funny :).
wow this year went byy sooo fast. and its like i almost dont want it to end? i no i can barely believe it myself. AHHH but u have no idea how excited for Knottts and the dance i amm!! ahah knotts is gonna be funny cuz ahahhaha maany things r gonna happen thaaat day. and the dance is gonna be flipping hilairous ahhaa like a "hairy ass" omg im soo EXCITEDD.
&& graduation is gonna be pointless.
they r telling the parents that they have to bring their own chairs and that they have to pay to even go. ohh geez all the skools around here are heading for DOOM. and imm REEELY pissed that they might get rid of mr jones! wat is with that? they r gonna find out tonight whetheror not they r gonna keep him or nott. omg if he leaves i am gonna protest! ahah that wood be funnay to see.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


omg i am soo sorry. my dear blogs birthday was yesterday,AND I TOTALLY FORGOT! well happy belated birthday blog of mine!!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


wow its been i dont no how long since i have watched this youtube video. ahahha soo many good memories in this video. ahaha "my anus is BLEEDING". omg we need to watch this. and if u havent well, ur missing out!

Thursday, April 3, 2008


A is for age:
13 ahahah i am not breaking the law anymore with pg 13 movies anymore!

B is for beer of choice:
sunkist+beer= BANANAS!

C is for career right now:
Disneyland Specialist

D is for your dog's name:

E is for essential item you use everyday:
cellular device

F is for favorite TV show at the moment:

G is for favorite game:
chickeen ahaha fun game right there

H is for home-town:
a place why wood u wanna no r u a stalker?

I is for instruments you play:
eww those r only useful when u can smash them

J is for favorite juice:
orange strawberry banana
its ahhmazzing u need to try if u havent

K is for whose butt you'd like to kick:
too many to name
just jking bout the last 2 but im serious bout the first 2

L is for last place you ate:

M is for marriage:

N is for your full name:
Amanda Flingle Mo

O is for overnight hospital stays:
those are entertaing
ahahah never had one that i remember

P is for people you were with today:
The freaks
aka kendrunk and twisty

Q is for quote:
it only takes threee kendras to screw in a light bulb but it takes ten amandas to sing the abcs

R is for biggest regret:
saying no to someone ahahah im the only one who actually knows bout this one

S is for status:

T is for time you woke up today:
7 in the morning
which is like WAYY to early i usually wake up at like twelve noon

U is for underwear you have on now:
hahahahahaahaaa 2 words
happy time

V is for vegetable you love:

W is for worst habit:
lots i dont even want to mention

X is for x-rays you've had:
i was supposed to get my butt xrayd but i never did

Y is for yummy food you ate today:
ballpark pizza yummy 4 my tummy
my tummy was satisified

Z is for zodiac sign:

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


How many five year olds do you think you could you take in a fight? How many five year old children could you fight? How many five year old children could drive you insane? The results are based on your physical powerness(yes, powerness), training, swarm-combatting experience, and the flexibility of your moral compass. Here are the rules:

1. You are in an enclosed area roughly the size of a basketball court.
2. There are no waspons or random objects (butt you could always the whimpy kids as baseball bats.)
3. Everyone is wearing special protection (no kicks in boys happy places)
4. The children are merciless and will show no fear.
5. If a child is knocked unconcious, they are "out", same goes for you.

Dont be too modest and seriously think about this one, HOW MANY FIVE YEAR OLDS COULD YOU TAKE IN A FIGHT?